The Best Ways To Store Tea
Image Desc: Thinking about using a glass canister or just leaving your tea sitting around? Keep reading to see why that may be a bad idea…..
The Less Contact With Oxygen The Better
Image Desc: This is not what you want your tea to look like! Keep reading to see how to avoid this.
Some people will go as far as buying airtight containers to keep their tea leaves, but it really depends on how far you want to go on preserving the purity. Tea leaves are really sensitive to the elements and minerals that can be absorbed from the air and even from residue in your teapot. It’s also susceptible to any lingering odors from your trash, refrigerator, and spice cabinet. The manufacturers of your teas go through a lot of effort to preserve it through vacuum sealing and even use oxygen absorbing packets. Oxygen will break down the leaves in a similar way that rust does to some metals. So if you spend money on having teas shipped to you internationally, or you only want the best teas in specialty stores, you want to prevent oxidation!What Type Of Container To Use
Image Desc: We agree! And this is what happens when you don’t use such a container….
A lot of sites will tell you not to use clear plastic bags to store your leftover loose leaves in, but it’s okay as long as you have a container where no light get through. So even though you’ve probably seen all sorts of glass canisters stacked on shelves in some stores, it’s not a good idea, and here’s why. Light will help break down the leaves from their pure state, and thus lose some of the flavors and aromas that come with brewing it. Instead, you should use the standard tin or stainless steel containers. Another helpful tip is to keep these containers full so that it’ll keep out as much oxygen as possible (remember oxidization?).
tea lover 4eva!!
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